Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WFMW - toy sorting bins

As the mother of 2 boys who own a mass amount of various cars, trains, and trucks. I was constantly looking for a storage solution that would allow accessibility for the boys and easy clean up when they were done. We found this at IkEA. (You do need to purchase the bins separately) It perfectly suits our needs.
For other great tips, visit We are that Family.


Ashley said...

We bought a shelving system that basically looks like 9 cubby holes (3 x3) and you use the canvas bins in it. I love those! We bought one for L's room and one for the LR - both for HER toys! lol


Anonymous said...

This is great! We are trying to get our toys organized too. I have a 2yo and 9mo.
Amazing how much STUFF such little people can accumulate so quickly!